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Tag: water claims

At Home - Avoid Claims

Playing it safe: simple ways to avoid the most common home insurance claims

They say the best way to predict the future is to create it. When it comes to home insurance claims, there is a lot that you can do to stop damage from happening in the first place. Although it may not be possible to avoid damage in every situation, you can certainly play a big role in keeping it to a minimum. Let’s walk through some tips to help you steer clear of costly and inconvenient insurance claims (...)

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Going away? Shut off your water valve

Water leaks that arise while you are away will increase your water bill significantly, and could also cause massive damage. Turning off the water at the main shut-off water valve is the best way to protect your home from such leaks and large bills, as most insurance companies won't cover your home for water losses if you are not home for more than 4 days. See our other post on that.

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