Auto insurance is mandatory in most regions of Canada. But having an insurance policy doesn’t necessarily mean you have the right coverage. For instance, if you use your vehicle for business purposes, you may be required to purchase commercial auto insurance. Don’t worry though, it isn’t rocket science! There are three main factors that determine if you should consider purchasing commercial auto insurance (...)
Tag: oap1
Top reasons for car insurance to increase, and ways to save
Even if you’re a model customer with no claims, other reasons beyond your control could be pushing your premium up.Fraudulent claims are increasingly common. Fraudsters who stage accidents to make money are causing rates to increase across the country. In Ontario, the Insurance Bureau of Canada reports that fraud costs an estimated $1.6 billion per year (...)
Common Auto Insurance Endorsements, and What They Mean
Auto insurance is designed to protect you and your vehicle when you need it most — but all policies have limits and exclusions, and you may want to add extra coverage to make sure you’ll always be protected. The province of Ontario mandates that you carry the minimum coverage, which includes third party liability coverage, statutory accident benefits coverage, direct compensation coverage, and uninsured automobile coverage. However, there are situations where you will want or will be required to have additional coverage, often in the form of endorsements. In the insurance world, an “endorsement” is a change to the coverage outlined in your insurance policy (...)