Auto insurance is mandatory in most regions of Canada. But having an insurance policy doesn’t necessarily mean you have the right coverage. For instance, if you use your vehicle for business purposes, you may be required to purchase commercial auto insurance. Don’t worry though, it isn’t rocket science! There are three main factors that determine if you should consider purchasing commercial auto insurance (...)
Tag: uber
Uber Insurance Solutions From Aviva
As of January 6, 2016 Aviva Canada Inc. has announced that they are working on an insurance solution for UberX drivers, or for any other drivers that use their personal vehicles to transport paying passengers. This coverage is set to be available early February, as an endorsement placed on your current Aviva policy (...)
Uber Insurance Risks, Are You Properly Covered For Ridesharing?
If you aren’t living in a major city perhaps you aren’t aware of Uber, or maybe you’ve heard the name but never really understood what they did. Basically, Uber is an app-based ridesharing service, which means they operate through a smart phone application or web browser. This application allows riders and drivers to connect (...)