Every day their seems to be a new company or service being introduced to the marketplace that's part of our increasing demand for a more sharing economy. If you have extra resources that aren't being used you might as well get some money for them. List your car at the Turo website. It’s free to register and you set the pricing and availability. Once listed, your car can be viewed by a community of Turo renters (...)
Category: Auto Insurance
2016 Reform – Changes to the Accident Benefits Coverage
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has released another auto insurance reform for 2016. Some of these changes might have affected your insurance policy already, such as the winter tire discount (January 1st), but most of these changes won't be effective until June 1, 2016. They consist of items like raising comprehensive deductibles and lowering interest payments (...)
Ethics Involving Driverless Cars | How Do You Insure Them?
It's hard to believe that driverless cars are actually going to become a reality in the not so distant future, with the earliest predictions for car manufacturers and regulations to be in 2020. Some manufacturers are even testing their driverless prototypes on public roads right now. Google has been operating a small fleet of Toyota Prius's (...)
Uber Insurance Solutions From Aviva
As of January 6, 2016 Aviva Canada Inc. has announced that they are working on an insurance solution for UberX drivers, or for any other drivers that use their personal vehicles to transport paying passengers. This coverage is set to be available early February, as an endorsement placed on your current Aviva policy (...)
Winter Car Maintenance
Winter weather can be challenging but being prepared will make sure you’re home, safe and dry, without disruption. The reliability of your car can suffer in severe weather conditions. We’ve put together a simple guide to help you avoid car trouble in the winter, helping you with interior, exterior, locks and hinges, and emergency survival kits (...)
2015 Auto Reform
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has just recently amended some of Ontario's automobile insurance regulations. FSCO is the governing body that licenses and regulates insurance companies in the province of Ontario. These changes will impact your auto policy within the next year with regards to coverage, deductibles, discounts, and the rating of minor accidents (...)
Auto Rates When Your Child Leaves For School
If your child has been added to your auto policy either as an occasional or principle driver, you might be tempted to remove them once they're out of house and away at school; after all, their premium charges aren't the cheapest. However, there are a few things that you should consider first before doing so, things that could save you money and help your child in the long run (...)
Uber Insurance Risks, Are You Properly Covered For Ridesharing?
If you aren’t living in a major city perhaps you aren’t aware of Uber, or maybe you’ve heard the name but never really understood what they did. Basically, Uber is an app-based ridesharing service, which means they operate through a smart phone application or web browser. This application allows riders and drivers to connect (...)
New Or Used Motorcycle Purchase? What Should You Look For?
There are many different types of motorcycles available on the market. Some are intended for long rides, cross-country, multi-purpose, or maybe you want a touring model with all the gadgets available such as heated seats, cruise control, and a stereo. Then there are the sports bikes which can be a little uncomfortable but get you to your destination quickly and fashionable (...)