After a day on the ski hill or an afternoon of shoveling, there’s nothing quite like warming up by a wood burning fireplace. To enjoy your fire with peace of mind, take the proper steps to protect your family and your home from potential hazards like chimney fires and accidental burns. If you’re using a wood or pellet stove, you’ll want to do some additional research so you’re familiar with how operate it safely. Otherwise, here’s everything you need to know to safely enjoy your wood burning fireplace and stay warm during the next polar vortex (...)
Tag: safety
Are dashboard cameras worth purchasing for insurance?
You’ve probably read about it in countless online articles dedicated to cars or technologies: dashboard cams are becoming increasingly popular. As technological advances continue to make dash board cameras smaller, cheaper and higher quality, you may be tempted to join the ten percent of Canadian drivers who have already embraced the trend and installed one in their car. They’re a must for some and a futile gadget for others. To help you out, we came up with the pros and cons to consider before making a decision (...)
How do red light cameras work?
Red light cameras are designed to photograph vehicles that enter a specific intersection after the traffic light has turned red. If you’ve been sitting in the intersection waiting to turn left since the light was green or yellow and it goes red as you’re turning, you’re probably safe. If you’re turning right at a red light, you could trigger the camera if you don’t stop and take the time to look both ways before moving into the intersection. Generally speaking, red light cameras are either mounted on a free-standing pole (...)
Have a plan: safeguarding your home against fire
Your home is your sanctuary, and the place where you should feel the safest. That’s why house fires can have such an emotional impact. They put the health and safety of the people you love at risk, and can destroy a lifetime of memories in mere moments. Preventing fires is easier than you might think, and taking simple precautions can safeguard you and your family. Check out these 7 easy tips to get started (...)
Playing it safe: simple ways to avoid the most common home insurance claims
They say the best way to predict the future is to create it. When it comes to home insurance claims, there is a lot that you can do to stop damage from happening in the first place. Although it may not be possible to avoid damage in every situation, you can certainly play a big role in keeping it to a minimum. Let’s walk through some tips to help you steer clear of costly and inconvenient insurance claims (...)
Space Heater Safety Tips
Autumn is quickly approaching, and with it the temperatures start to drop. Although temperatures during the day are quite comfortable still, nights are starting to get rather cold. In order to save money, many people opt to use a space heater to heat one room rather than heat the entire structure. Regardless of your plan, it is important to be cautious (...)
Ethics Involving Driverless Cars | How Do You Insure Them?
It's hard to believe that driverless cars are actually going to become a reality in the not so distant future, with the earliest predictions for car manufacturers and regulations to be in 2020. Some manufacturers are even testing their driverless prototypes on public roads right now. Google has been operating a small fleet of Toyota Prius's (...)
Uber Insurance Solutions From Aviva
As of January 6, 2016 Aviva Canada Inc. has announced that they are working on an insurance solution for UberX drivers, or for any other drivers that use their personal vehicles to transport paying passengers. This coverage is set to be available early February, as an endorsement placed on your current Aviva policy (...)
Winter Car Maintenance
Winter weather can be challenging but being prepared will make sure you’re home, safe and dry, without disruption. The reliability of your car can suffer in severe weather conditions. We’ve put together a simple guide to help you avoid car trouble in the winter, helping you with interior, exterior, locks and hinges, and emergency survival kits (...)