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Category: Insurance Tips

Home Flood Mitigation Image

Home Flood Mitigation

With water claims on the rise due to climate change, Insurance companies have started to introduce overland water coverage to protect you. However, it still is important to know the leading causes for flooded basements, ways to prevent floods, and what to do in the event of a flood (...)

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School Auto Rates

Auto Rates When Your Child Leaves For School

If your child has been added to your auto policy either as an occasional or principle driver, you might be tempted to remove them once they're out of house and away at school; after all, their premium charges aren't the cheapest. However, there are a few things that you should consider first before doing so, things that could save you money and help your child in the long run (...)

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Buying a new or used motorcycle

New Or Used Motorcycle Purchase? What Should You Look For?

There are many different types of motorcycles available on the market. Some are intended for long rides, cross-country, multi-purpose, or maybe you want a touring model with all the gadgets available such as heated seats, cruise control, and a stereo. Then there are the sports bikes which can be a little uncomfortable but get you to your destination quickly and fashionable (...)

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Building Limit

Is Your Building Limit Too High? How Do You Know What Is Accurate?

Have you ever looked at your insurance policy and thought that the building limit on your home was too high? If you were to sell your home tomorrow there is no way that you could sell it for the same price you are insuring it for. Are these insurance companies just ripping you off by selling you too much insurance that you don't need? (...)

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Decrease - Risky Driver

Auto Insurance Decrease at Age 25?

Assuming that you have a good driving record, once you turn 25 years old your insurance premiums typically decrease. From the perspective of insurance companies, at the age of 25 you are considered to be an experienced driver and are less likely to be involved in an accident, and you've most likely been driving for several years. Subsequently it makes renting a car much easier and cheaper (...)

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claim denied

Home Insurance Exclusions

Every insurance company has their own set of exclusions that could limit your coverage or completely void your policy. Having your policy voided or limited is something that a lot of people fear could happen to them. If you forget to disclose a certain detail, you incorrectly filled out the insurance application, or maybe you're worried about coverage while you're away from home (...)

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Drone Insurance

Drone Insurance – Drones Take Flight – How Will You Be Covered?

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drone's as they're commonly known have begun to increase, and so has the demand for insuring these units. Transport Canada has strict guidelines and conditions that need to be met, which very from every type of aircraft, its weight, as well as how and where you plan to use it (...)

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Protecting Home Vacation

Protecting your Car & Home While On Vacation

Are you a regular snowbird? Or perhaps you're planning a vacation? Here are some tips to make sure you have the right coverage in place for your home and vehicle, and also some loss prevention tips to protect your home while you're away too (...)

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Calgary Flood 2013

Aviva Overland Water Protection

On February 19 Canadianunderwriter.ca reported that Aviva Canada will start to offer homeowners an overland water endorsement insuring losses arising from the accumulation or run off of surface waters. This bold announcement will make Aviva the only insurance company in Canada to offer this type of coverage (...)

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